Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Posponing projects for summer

I've recently started a job in the Yukon and will be living in bush camps for most of the summer, so I'll be putting the projects on hold for a while. I'll have internet service in camp so I hope to put a bit more research and planning toward them in the evenings after work.

At the moment the projects stand as follows:

Water Quality Data Logger:

I've come around to thinking an Arduino controller would be more suitable for the intended users / builders of this device than the PIC I'm using. An Arduino controller comes assembled with a power supply, is more user-friendly for people new to electronics, and has a great online support community. Best of all, Arduino boards don't require a separate programmer and can be programmed directly through USB.

Regardless, I'm going to finish the PIC data logger and publish those schematics / code, since it's nearly finished anyways. This fall I'll work on an Arduino version.

In the meantime, I'm going to start looking into developing software to translate the collected raw data into meaningful units using calibration samples and curve fitting.

Greywater System:

Before construction, I need to get my design approved by a person authorized to design and maintain sewerage systems under the BC health act.  I'm going to put together a document demonstrating how the design will meet the requirements stipulated under the health act and seek out an "authorized person" this fall.

Outrigger Sailing Canoe:

I'm keeping my eyes open for a canoe this summer.   River canoeing is popular in the Yukon and I've noticed a lot of abs whitewater boats around.  Hopefully I can find a used 17' boat while I'm up here.